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New requirements for the employment agreement from 1 July 2024

New requirements are being introduced for which information the employment agreement must contain from 1 July 2024. The requirements are in addition to the requirements already in the Working Environment Act and should contribute to clearer and more predictable working conditions.

Below are some of the new requirements for what the employment agreement must contain:


If the employee does not have a fixed place of work, the agreement must state that the employee works in different places or can freely decide his place of work.

Probationary period
In temporary employment - probationary period max half of the employment period.

Absence paid by the employer
The agreement must contain information about the type of absence that is paid for by the employer.

Procedure for terminating the employment relationship. 

Salary and remuneration
All elements included in the salary are stated, including allowances and benefits in kind.

Working hours
If the daily or weekly working hours vary, the agreement must state the varying working hours and shift changes. 

Staffing companies must state the name of the hirer. 

Right to development offered by the employer
The agreement must state the right to skills development that the employer may offer. 


Benefits for social security that the employer pays for
The agreement must state benefits that the employer pays for, including, among other things, name of the institutions that receive payments from the employer, for example a pension scheme.