All foreign companies that choose to do business in Norway are required to follow Norwegian bookkeeping…
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Plug and Play
SAF-T Accounting (Financial) is a standard format for exchanging accounting data. SAF-T, or Standard Audit File-Tax, has been developed jointly by industry organizations, system suppliers and the Norwegian Tax Administration, on the recommendation of the OECD. This has been developed to simplify the exchange of accounting data between companies with a bookkeeping obligation and the Norwegian Tax Administration.
In the new SAF-T form from 1. January 2025, the possibility of linking to the 2- and 4-digit standard will be abolished, and the business specification in the tax return will be the only permitted alternative for mapping general ledger accounts. For the entity with a bookkeeping obligation that has linked its accounts to the 2- or 4-digit standard, the version change means that accounts must be linked to the accounts in the new standard, no later than 1.1.2025.
For entities with a bookkeeping obligation that have linked to a business specification, this will not entail significant changes. All customers who currently use an accounting system developed in Norway will not be affected by these changes.
Feel free to contact us if you have questions or require assistance.